Ching Yu Tan


Ching Yu Tan is an international speaker, trainer, and agent who helps speakers and trainers expand their reach across Asia. He helps trainers design and improve their training programmes and persuasive presentation skills to create meaningful and impactful learning experiences. His purpose is to empower people with the tools and skills necessary to communicate persuasively and authentically with integrity to share the gift of our message and make this world a better place.

He has been in the training and seminar industry since 2012 and is a certified Strategic Interventionist, Marriage and Relationship Educator, and Firewalk Instructor. He has also been trained by the top internet marketers and top sales trainers such as Neil Patel, Jeff Walker, Tai Lopez, and The Wolf of Wallstreet – Jordan Belfort in the fields of email marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Google ads, Twitter, and YouTube.

He has worked with the biggest seminar organiser and promoter in the world, Success Resources during his time in London where they have hosted top trainers, authors, state leaders, and celebrities such as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

He started his company the Quantum Institute of Success (QIS) together with his partner from the UK in 2013, and subsequently developed the H Akademy brand. Under his company, he has designed and facilitated training programmes in the areas of personal development, business, internet marketing, public speaking, wholistic spiritual retreats, and masterminds. These seminars have been carried out across the UK, Europe, India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore.

One of the biggest seminars was a joint event with Sir Richard Branson in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with over 6,000 participants. His former participants and students include the founders of the largest caterers in Vietnam, entrepreneurs, bankers, scientists, property developers, and educators from various industries.

Today, Ching Yu has founded the Strategic Influence Group to continue the mission to empower speakers and trainers to further their business, skills, and reach, while also representing an exclusive list of experienced trainers.

The speakers and trainers that Ching Yu represents include former Channel V and Lonely Planet host Asha Gill, one of UK’s top sales trainers Pete Scott, serial entrepreneur Datuk Irwin, and executive leadership trainer Vincent J. Kellsey.

Follow Ching Yu Tan on Facebook and Instagram today to catch him and his speakers’ upcoming events.