Getting What You Want

Throughout my journey on the speaking and the training circuit, people from all around the world have asked me this question. “How do I get what I want in my life?” Be it in their own careers, finances, relationships, and more. So this is what I will be sharing with you today in this video, on how you can get what you want in your life.

There are two ways to get what you want in your life, one way is to ask less and be satisfied with getting less OR the other way is to go out there and get it. Now I’m assuming if you’re reading this you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want to lower their standards, and will go out there and get it. So I will share with you 7 simple steps to getting what you want.

Number 1: Be clear on what you want (or where you want to be)

If you want to embark on a journey you have to know your end destination and more specifically where you want to end up. Otherwise you may end up some place other than where you want to be. Because in your journey of life, you will come across various crossroads, and if you don’t know where you want to go, then picking any road will do, you just don’t know if it will bring you to a place you’ll like. So be clear on what you want or where you want to be.

Number 2: Where are you now?

To be able to get to where you want to be you have to know where you are now. Because if you do not know your starting point, you will not know which direction to go. In this case in order to get what you want you have to know where you are now, mentally, emotionally, physically, and all else that is available to you now be it your time, energy, money, and resources.

Number 3: Reverse engineering (or back tracking)

Always start with the end in mind, your end goal, your end destination. And from there work your way back to the beginning your starting point. Along the way identify the key objectives and milestones that you need to achieve before reaching your final goal. This will serve as a map to your journey.

Number 4: Identify what you need to get there

Now that you have your map it’s time to list out the things that you need to get through the entire journey. It could be the skills, knowledge, people, time, money, effort, energy, and more. Whatever it is, look through your key milestones and identify, what resources needs to be used to get you to each milestone.

Number 5: Getting what you need to get there

This is where most people face their biggest obstacle, it could be starting up a business and they say they don’t have the money, and they don’t know where to get it. It could be their relationships, they don’t know how what it takes to make a relationship work. Here’s the key to getting what you need. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find. If you’re not getting the answers that you want, you’re either asking the wrong people, or the wrong question. Most people focus on the problem and ask questions surrounding the problem, rather than focusing on solutions and asking questions that brings out solutions. The quality of your questions dictates the quality of the answers you will get. Another key skill to getting what you need to get there, is to be able to communicate your vision or goals persuasively and effectively so that people around you will support you and provide you the resources you need to get there, there is much more depth to this skill which will need to be covered another time. Know that the universe is abundant and full of resources, what is LACKING is people who tap into their resourcefulness which is readily available in all of us.

Number 6: Executing the plan

At the end of the day, execution is the key to success and getting what you want. Most people spend all their time in the first 5 steps, but stumble on this CRUCIAL step. The key to effective execution is to never give up, to keep moving forward, being focused on solutions and actively working towards each milestone regardless of ANY challenges that may come in the way. Know this at some point in the future, your future self has already achieved what you envisioned, and he or she is just waiting for you to do whatever it takes to get there. Know that as for everything in this universe, it takes time to incubate and bring things into this world. You don’t expect a baby to form overnight, so be patient regardless of how long it takes, just do what needs to be done until the time comes where your vision finally comes into fruition.

Number 7: Reap, Enjoy, Repeat

You have executed the plan, gone through the ups and downs of the journey. It’s time to reap what you have sowed, enjoy the fruits of your labour, and repeat the process towards your next vision. Because knowing how the universe works, there is always something more to be brought into this world, and more that WILL come through you. We have this innate drive and desire to constantly grow, create, and give. So trust your heart to guide you towards whatever vision that you may want to bring into this world. Trust the guidance in you that believes in an abundant universe that is and has enough for all, where we can come to win-win solutions and support each other towards achieving everyone’s vision.

I hope that this message has been useful to you, and I look forward to seeing you getting what you want and the vision which you will bring into this world. If you found this useful, do share this message with someone and help build up a community of like-minded people who supports each other. Thank you for reading and sharing.

Posted in Self-development.